
In SuperSalon and OSP, each salon maintains its own version of a guest profile. However, Zenoti enables the notion of a zone level guest which means that a guest profile can be searched for across centers within a franchisee's zone.

Zenoti will initiate a bulk merge for customer profiles in your zone.


Bulk merging guest profiles will occur for each zone/org combination two times:

  1. Once all SuperSalon salons for an owner have been migrated to Zenoti.
  2. Once all OSP salons for an owner have been migrated to Zenoti.

The Zenoti data team will evaluate approximately every two weeks which zones in each org meet the criteria above and will initiate a guest merge if appropriate. All guests in your Zone at the time the merge is initiated will be considered for the merge. Email notifications will be sent to the owner prior to the merge and after it is completed.

*For Roosters-US, the merge will be performed on an opt-in basis

Criteria used for merging records

Only profiles without credit card numbers will be eligible for merging. Guest profiles in Zenoti must meet mobile phone number requirements in order be a candidate to be merged. Of the guest profiles that meet phone number requirements, potential merges are identified based on: First Name* + Mobile Phone Number.  These requirements safeguard guest profiles from being merged together incorrectly. If phone numbers do not meet the minimum mobile phone number requirements, they will not be merged. The minimum requirements for mobile phone numbers include:

*First name is not case sensitive so "Carl", "CARL", "carl" will all be considered the same first name.

What happens to guest data during the bulk merge?

When the automated merge process identifies duplicate guest profiles (based on first name and mobile phone number), one profile is identified as the master profile. The first tie breaker to determine the master guest is the profile with an email address. Note that guest profiles with common fake email address (ie. contain “noemail”, “nothanks”, “fake@”, “nope@”, etc) will not be considered for this first tie breaker scenario. If the duplicate guest profiles all contain legitimate email addresses, the second tie breaker is the profile with the most recent transaction. Details on the master guest profile will be retained, and any information that was on the duplicate guest profile(s) will be lost.