In this page:
Major departures from SuperSalon and/or Opensalon Pro.
<aside> 💡 Instead of specific opening, midday, and closing cash counts, Zenoti counts can be performed throughout the day (via “Close Payments”).
<aside> 💡 Credit card tips paid from drawer cash ℹ️must be recorded using the Payout Cash function so that Zenoti expects the cash to be removed.
<aside> 💡 Cash must first be transferred to Petty Cash to ℹ️record a paid-out.
Important aspects to make clear to your salon staff.
Important aspects for your leadership team and back-office personnel.
Using the Payout Cash feature to log tips being removed from the drawer can be approached in different ways. Select one method to share with the stylist team.
💡**Recommendation: ****After a center migrates to Zenoti, monitor that all tickets are closed at the end of day, and that opening and close is performed—since these activities are not currently enforced.
There is a short period of time (up to 10 days after migration) when recent invoices have not migrated to Zenoti, and, therefore invoices are may not be available to initiate a refund or redo.
After invoices have migrated to Zenoti, all refunds will have to be done via cash. Refunds to original form of payment can only be done for an invoices initiated in Zenoti.
Configurations refer to individual settings that can be adjusted by owners. The below are grouped by center or zone level, and provide details on where to find them from the main left navigation.