In this page:

✨ Key Conceptual Differences

Major departures from SuperSalon and/or Opensalon Pro.

<aside> 💡 Products available from Supercenter are maintained at the organization level for all centers to use

<aside> 💡 Products may be created at your zone and used at centers within the zone.

<aside> 💡 Instead of tax rates being the same across all products at a center, tax rates can vary between products.

<aside> 💡 Products can be designated with a product type: retail (items for sale), consumable (items used for service), or both (can be used as both retail and consumable).

<aside> 💡 Inventory counts are done in a two-step process: **ℹ️ Audit (count)** & **ℹ️ Reconcile (verification of the count)**.

<aside> 💡 Zenoti uses a **ℹ️perpetual average cost** stock-costing method (also more commonly known as weighted average cost), where average cost per unit is weighted over the course of multiple product orders.

<aside> 💡 **ℹ️ Auto-receipt** creates purchase orders for orders placed on the Supercenter portal, and marks them as delivered when orders are delivered.

🎯 Capability Callouts