<aside> 🚀 There has been much documentation produced in our effort to migrate to Zenoti—all well intended, but often confounding in its volume and accidental inconsistencies.
This guide is purpose-built to help you, as a Regis franchisee, with migrating from SuperSalon and Opensalon Pro to Zenoti. While much of this content is useful in perpetuity, its primary focus is to help you get from “zero to one” in your understanding of how and why Zenoti works the way it does for Regis franchisees, and how you can and should adapt it to your unique needs.
This should live in context with our other resources (Where to Find Additional Help), which are increasingly being consolidated for digestibility.
<aside> 🌊 This guide is not presented in step-by-step order; its contents are organized thematically. Let the knowledge wash over you and your team, and it can be applied as you proceed through your migration.
(If you are a checklist fan: please see the ‣.)
There are many terminology differences between Zenoti and SuperSalon/OSP. The most important is to understand Zenoti’s three-level hierarchy.
<aside> <img src="/icons/arrow-southeast_gray.svg" alt="/icons/arrow-southeast_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Organization [Brand]
<aside> <img src="/icons/arrow-southeast_gray.svg" alt="/icons/arrow-southeast_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Zone [Owner]
<aside> <img src="/icons/arrow-southeast_gray.svg" alt="/icons/arrow-southeast_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Center [Salon]
Organization: All aggregated salons within a Regis brand. E.g., “Roosters” or “Cost Cutters.”*
Zone: A single owner’s salons within a brand. E.g. “Anthony Stracci’s SmartStyle salons.”
Center: An individual salon.
Review the complete Zenoti Glossary
Example of three-level hierarchy in Zenoti.
<aside> <img src="/icons/asterisk_gray.svg" alt="/icons/asterisk_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Most of Regis’s Canadian salons, and many US portfolio brands, are an exception.
For Canada, all brands — except Roosters and BSO — are aggregated within a single Zenoti organization, and owners will have one zone for each of their owned brands. E.g., an owner with three brands will have three zones within the “Regis Canada” organization.
In the US, the following brands have their own organizations: Supercuts, SmartStyle, Cost Cutters, Roosters, Holiday Hair, Hairmasters, ProCuts, BSO Express. The remainder of US brands are grouped in a single organization.
Sample page. Not actual size.
The core pages in this guide are focused on a particular aspect of your business. Within most are the following sections:
✨ Key Conceptual Differences
🎯 Capability Callouts
✂️ Stylist Preparation
👩🏽💻 Salon Leader and Back-office Preparation
⚙️ Configurations
📑 Related Videos and Related FAQs
Configurations represent the most important settings of which you should be aware.
Each configuration is grouped by its primary location in the main (left) nav, e.g.:
<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" width="40px" /> [Zone level] Admin → Resources → Services
This configuration (one of nine) is found at the [Zone level] under Admin → Resources → Services
Each configuration contains the following elements:
Example for a specific configuration regarding register closure when invoices remain open.
Settings and configurations differ based on their applicability to a salon (”center”) or to all of an owner’s salons within a brand (”zone”). Ensure you are at the correct level in the hierarchy using the dropdown menu at the top right of each page.
Dropdown selection of a zone (”Jimmy the Franchisee”) or its centers (”Jenny Way,” “John D Lane,” “North Dallas Forty,” “Speed of Light Mall”)